Hugh Maloney
25 Apr 2023
Poem on the need to Individuate
We are ashamed to love ourselves, too brazen to fall for that old trick -
Immediate are our concerns, forestalled in thick fastidious tribe of Gaia …
The gem of our being, hidden in the coat of Earth, travels the sooty road of Redemption, searching for its lost parts, spread wide on the chimeric waters -
Life after life, penetrating the mind-fields of psychic space, qualifying the soul-matrix, Weighing its worth, against a future sacrifice …
This arcanum, this opus of culminating salvation,
Surrendering all dignity to the shadow,
All persecutions to perdition, all solitude to delusion ...
I bow to the sun, genuflect to moon, tipping my trope to the stars, rejoicing in the great Dance of being an individual - always out of time, a stranger in one's own land, living Beyond the pale, far from the cultural enclosure, deep in the desert of the forest …
And yet the dupe of Maya holds all majesty,
Tight with in its duplicitous folds, forlorn and fragile spoken -
It speaks of worth by the honour of integrity, virtue by decree of fortitude,
Grace by bestowal of gratitude -Â
Clear waters lap kindly upon these soft shores,
Blowing brightly on covered preludes to forgiveness, deep in the hole of grief -
Faith lines the pathway to paradise, righting the fallen body in the deep mid-winter, Circumventing the chill of rejection, sublimating the bittersweet betrayal,
Softening all destitution, strengthening the will towards the plan of heaven ...
To indivduate or not to indivduate, that is the dilemma -
Is it nobler in the psyche to suffer the barbs and triggers of outrageous subjectivity,
Or by withdrawing projection, end a sea of shadows, accepting them as our own -
What visions may arise in the ascennsion of the unique, as mirror to the many...
For in the rub, we know what heaven has always known, that our soul is written in the halls Of Akasha, sublime and luminous, in the splendour of the love for the Self -
In the refiner's fire, all fragments coagulate into the radiance of permutation, open to the Possibility of the perfecting the mystical communion with the centre