I ask that you use your own personal discrimination when reading this article, and set aside any words, aspects or concepts that do not resonate with you. For I recognise your freedom to choose what is right for you, and would not wish to violate your freewill, but rather, I would act only as a resource for your seeking.
Let us start at a place of simple understanding, regarding the two types of perceptual planes that humans have their existence in. This will assist us in the discussions, articles and blogs, which form the content of this site. This framework is crucial to comprehending a clearer understanding of the significance of the impact that the Archetypal Mind has upon the beliefs and behaviours of Humanity.
There are two realms that Man lives in. The first is the exterior world of things, places, events and people, distributed in space and time, known as the Universe (Exterior). The second is an interior realm of thoughts, intuitions, dreams, feelings and sensations, beyond time and space, known as the psyche (Interior). The first world is perceived from an Exterior objective perspective, the second from an Interior subjective perspective.
The Exterior is physical, composed of delineated objects of form, made up of subatomic, atomic and molecular particles, presumed to be universal and subject to the laws and constants of physics. The Interior is non-physical, made up of various psychic structures of the mind. The Exterior is finite, and the Interior is infinite.
I am making these distinctions, so that we can clearly orientate ourselves between our Exterior and Interior, so that we don't confuse the two. In actuality, this happens more often than we are aware of. So much so, that we inadvertently superimpose one upon the other, creating all manner of confusions and misunderstandings. The Interior often intrudes into Exterior, distorting our perception of it.
All of the sciences, including maths, pertain to the Exterior, whilst theology (The study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational inquiry into religious questions), mythology and psychology to the Interior. Philosophy attempts to bridge both realms, to seal the breach. The Exterior is seen and known or knowable at least. The Interior is not seen nor known. Some say that the Exterior is the source of the Interior, whilst others reverse the order. The simple question is, do things grow from the outside in, or the inside out? I suggest that we look to nature for that answer to that question.
According to the Big Bang Theory, the Universe apparently began with nothing, out of which all of the immense complexity of the Exterior physical realm arose. Science, it seems, has also admitted, that the Exterior is to be regarded as 99.99999% empty space! So, it starts with nothing and is composed of mostly, well, nothing!
The Interior realm by contrast is not empty. At birth, the individual psyche itself commences with preformed psychic structures, known as the Objective Psyche, consisting of the personal and collective unconscious. Objective society is composed of subjective humans - without the later, we would not have the former. All stems from what is inside, driven by hidden processes, coupling together in distributed and interconnected interior ecologies. Science, the objective observer and empiricist, can only look at supermicro segments of the interior and infer broader macro conclusions about. It can't look at whole interiorities.
Interior does not just mean when we close our eyes. Interior means the psyche and its content, the internal space which hosts, dreams, thoughts, feelings, sensations and most of all knowing. This last item is the culminating conscious power of the psyche, without which none of the former could be, well, known!
This is the two worlds in which we live in, one exterior and objective and one interior and subjective.
Thank you
Thank you
Really like this one! Very well written 🙂
Loved this - well done