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Writer's pictureHugh Maloney

The Continuum of Creative Integration: Becoming Your True Self

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

The Process of Individuation Manifesting Your True Self

"To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." - EE Cummings

Two Worlds

I ask that you use your own personal discrimination when reading this article, and set aside any words, aspects or concepts that do not resonate with you. For I recognise your freedom to choose what is right for you, and would not wish to violate your freewill, but rather, I would act only as a resource for your seeking.

Becoming your true Human Self, revealing your unique essence, unfolding your blueprint, within the differential of wholeness, the diversity of inclusivity, the distinctly unified, is the journey of Individuation. This process is not about sitting on your mediation mat and disassociating yourself into the void, avoiding what it is to live inside this skin-encapsulated ego, this physical feeling body, this heavy gloopy medium of frustrating ups and downs.

To be Human is to be a combination of the subtle non-physical bodies of spirt, and the electrochemical, biodiverse, trillion-cell Earth-Suit, of the atomic domain. Being a Human on this beautiful blue water planet, is not about living solely in the light of oneness. It is about being as present as we can be in every moment. It's about reaching into the darkness of the unknown, searching for the shadow, loving the journey of feeling the full spectrum of the emotional scale. It's about accepting the whole experience of existing in this dualistic, rollercoaster, in the great veil of Maya. It's about facing our suffering consciously, knowing that it is just catalyst, arising again and again to teach us about the themes, lessons and opportunities, to grow as souls.

Brain Head

The world is trying to make us ordinary, compliant and uniform. It wants to strip us of any vestige of being special. For how can all of us, actually be distinctively remarkable? Well, the answer is that we not only can be, but we already are, did we but know it! This is the dupe that we are all playing upon ourselves. Somehow, we have forgotten that we are all divine sparks, distinct scintillas of sacredness, flung far and wide in the ever-connected sea of underlying unity. The answer to this most paradoxical of questions, is that the One plays the All - the special uniqueness of you, is the most supreme secret of divinity, the most exalted mystery of life, the central conundrum of being.

Do not let this truth slip through your fingers of unworthiness, to be gobbled up in the shame of not genuinely believing that you have a God given right to exist, as you are. Your essence is the One, expressed in the beauty of personification of the many faces of the infinite One, playing in the grace fields of Individuation.

Life desires you to be your deepest self, it supports your every effort to bring yourself to the banquet that celebrates you. Our greatest gift to the World is to be ourselves.

So often the goal of spiritual path is seen as becoming enlightened, to somehow transcend this Human life onto a higher plane, where everything is so much easier, where we don't have to deal with suffering the range of emotions in response to the terrible conditions under which humanity has to endure. If we are not careful, this type of approach can bypass our own humanity, denying the need for it. As lightworkers, wanderers and Starseeds, it can seem so challenging to be here, so unnecessary. This attitude rejects the most beautiful opportunity that life here has to offer; the chance to deeply examine within us all that blocks us from loving ourselves to the greatest degree that is possible. To fully accept our own beauty, to resolutely recapitulate our ancient edict to serve the One true Creator within ourselves, to recall our bodhisattvic intent to own our own divinity, to resurrect this under any challenge, to remember that our incarnational arc is as sacred as any other and loved unconditionally by life. Loving ourselves is loving the journey, discovering that we are love itself, that there is nothing but the love of the infinite for itself, expressing in its eternal multiplicity.


Your Human personality is developing towards wholeness, harmony, stability, creativity and abundance, leading to total wellbeing - you are becoming your true self, a unique, unparalleled, individuated person, with access to your gifts and talents. The good, the true and the beautiful where elegance, flexibility and grace abounds, defines the level of integration in the System-Self, indicating where we are in our individuation. It is a tuning process, where differentiated, structures and patterns in the psyche are balanced with their opposites, becoming more effective and generative. The affiliation of the Lover is met with active boundaries of the Warrior, where the wise cognition of the Magician with effective ordering of the King and Queen, creating an integrated self-Kosmos, which utilises archetypal energies, without being compulsively and unduly influenced or flooded by them leading to imbalances. This is done by lovingly ordering our psychic Kosmos, efficaciously using universal patterning, which minimises chaos.

Our Human individuating selves have been interacting with the archetypal forces of the King/Queen, the Magician, Lover and Warrior, either unconsciously or consciously. If the former, then we have been unwittingly engrossed in their energies, causing us to become over energetic, tipping the balance of our psyches towards that archetype. If we are inflated in the Royal sector (King/Queen), then we can be too independent, asserting our entitlement, without due regard for others. This can lead to dictatorships and totalitarianism.  If we are engrossed in the Magician sector, then we can become detached, indifferent, tearing down everything in a deconstructionist frenzy, hiding out from the world. If we are overcome by the Lover sector, then we can become too dependent upon others, lost in that space, succumbing to our deepest feelings disorientating us, becoming addicted to our pain and that of others. If we are possessed by the Warrior energy, then ambivalence can reign, where everybody becomes the enemy, where rage, anger and aggression is the answer to everything.

If we don't balance these energies, then we can lose our compass within the psyche. Our journey involves re-establishing an unwavering connection to the Centre of this space, building a strong channel through which the numinous can flow into our Human world. If all four of these archetypal energies are balanced within the psyche, each containing and regulating the others, then a type of Self unification can occur, where we can consciously utilise the archetypal energies to undertake whatever action, state, process or connection is necessary.

For instance, when we need to make a balanced heart centered, generative decision, reordering our own personal domain, or interacting with others, then calling forth the King/Queen energy to do so, brings us into alignment with that power. Before doing so, we want to consult the Great Magician, calling forth wise and balanced council - for this is the sector of knowledge, knowing, and intuition. Inviting the lover energy into the process to ensure that love, connection and joy are introduced into the process will ensure that whatever decision is made is bound with balanced love. At last, we can call forth the Great Warrior energy when we want to enact that decision and undertake its physical action, by constructing something, doing something, setting a clear boundary. The energy of Fire is need for any action we undertake. 

The Arhetypes

This is the power of the four Archetypes - they provide the energy for our Human personalities. History is littered with ill-favoured actions of those who have unwittingly fallen prey to these great energies, which we have unconsciously misused to feather our own nests, protect our families, build our empires, enslave others, and wreak havoc upon the Earth.

This is the continuum of creative integration, to become conscious of the power of the archetypes, to balance them, to build an Ego self-system that can hold their enormous power, without cracking, fragmenting or becoming dominated by any one of them. As we learn to balance, we begin to harmonise, to move toward becoming a fully-fledged sovereign Human being, consciously utilising our Archetypal Mind to individuate, to bring forth our unique selves into the world, expressing our talents and gifts in service to others.

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Hugh Maloney
Hugh Maloney
May 06, 2023

Thank you


May 02, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Such a huge subject, brilliantly covered!

Hugh Maloney
Hugh Maloney
May 06, 2023
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Thanks 🙏

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