I ask that you use your own personal discrimination when reading this article, and set aside any words, aspects or concepts that do not resonate with you. For I recognise your freedom to choose what is right for you, and would not wish to violate your freewill, but rather, I would act only as a resource for your seeking.
Do we lead lives of destiny, or do we lead lives of fate? This is a fundamental question.
So, what is the difference between destiny and fate? Fate can be described as something which happens to you, which seems to be beyond your direct control. Whilst destiny is something which we can deliberately aim for, taking actions to achieve it, knowing the rightness of each step, to arrive at a place where we were always meant to be. I would like to align Carl Jung’s individuation process, with destiny. Why is this so? Well, the individuation process can, if we intended to be, come under our direct control and aspiration. Therefore, within the context of individuation, we are destined to become our true selves in the process of fully and completely individuating. If we are not aware of the individuation process, not aware that we have the power to alter the trajectory of our lives, not knowing that we are in a trans-incarnational evolutionary path, then we are maybe destined to suffer at the hands of fate.
I want to introduce you to the two ways of perceiving the world around you. The brain has two distinct hemispheres, separated by the corpus callosum. The left hemisphere is what is known as local, logical and linear. It is predominantly transactional, dealing in one thing at a time, in a disconnected way. It does not see the big picture, only fragmented moments in time, which can be categorised and broken down. The right hemisphere, in contrast, is trans-rational non-local, and nonlinear. It perceives the connection between all things, it sees the entire picture, it connects all the dots, providing holistic meaning. The left-hand side is used to do one-off specialised, separated tasks like catching a ball, driving a car, adding two and two together. The right brain provides an intuitive, universal, unified perspective. Some are prepared to go as far as to say that the left-brain is masculine, whist the right brain is feminine . We could go one step further and say that the former is the Warrior archetype, and the latter is the Lover archetype. This is not a distinction of men and women, but a distinction of energy types, generating differing perspectives.
Because the left-hand hemisphere is transactional, it sees everything as single one-off actions, with no overall coherency. On the other hand, the right-hand brain is about relationships, connection and affiliation. The left brain is the logos, whilst the right brain is the mythos. Science has fallen into the trap of the left brain, measuring, categorising, filing the world into separate disconnected silos. Our modern age is the epoch of the left brain, devoid of meaning and overall purpose.
Because of this perspective, the left brain sees the Universe as a great machine, running down, without meaning or purpose, where perhaps mankind has been abandoned, by an uncaring God. It believes that this machine is broken and needs to be fixed, managed and upgraded, in accordance with its perspective, which is devoid of meaning and overall purpose. The right brain transcends transactional, linear reality. It connects us to something beyond ourselves. This universal connection is inherently mysterious, it transcends, space and time, which are foundational constants of the left-brain perspective.
Now, I want to come back to fate and destiny. You are more than just a collection of fifty trillion cells. You are more than the sum of your biological parts. You are more than just a collection of transactional perspectives. You are more than your left-brain perspective. If you predominately use just your left-brain perspective, in a technocratic, rational sense, you are potentially fated to the outcome of a mechanised, logical, local, linear life, devoid of meaning. I want to advise you that you have a destiny out beyond this way of being and seeing the world. Your destiny is to expand your perspective, again and again and again. Your destiny is to realise that you are an aspect of an intelligent, connected, purposeful universe, by using both hemispheres in a balanced way.
When one walks out into nature, away from the human mechanised world, brimming with technology, one experiences, the interconnected ecology of the natural world. One can become infused with its beauty, coherence, and total integration. If we allow ourselves to breathe it in, to move from left hemisphere thinking to right hemisphere being, then our body relaxes, the tension drops away, and the feeling of belonging increases. All organisms have these two perspectives that are used congruently to move through the world. We are gifted with both hemispheres to be used for different tasks for different ends. The left brain, isolates, whilst the right brain connects. The left brain breaks up the world into categories, and our right brain puts them back again with overarching meaning. Our left brain disenfranchises us, the right brain enfranchises us. The left brain is mechanical, our right brain is organic. The left brain is material, our right brain is spiritual. We need our left brain to undertake transactional activities in the world – we need a right brain to connect us in relationship to the world, providing insights, intuitions, which take us beyond the mundaneness of left hemisphere perception.
Living in a predominant right-brained approach can sometimes exclude our individuality, transcending what it is to be human. The existence of a left brain and right brain creates a tension within us. To live fully as spirit in the human world, we are being asked to balance that tension within us, between the proclivity to isolate and protect, and the desire to unify to know our own belonging, within the larger context of the collective. This is the process of individuation; being our true selves is as important as being part of the collective. Both are essential, both are intrinsic! This is our destiny - all else is to suffer the fate of being either in the left brain or right brain. We are here to balance both perspectives. This is known as walking the royal highway, by balancing all opposites, living in the tension, surfing between the physical and the non-physical. Your right to be here, to be you, to express your true nature within the unified field of being, is absolutely sacrosanct, and beyond question. Freewill is the highest gift, followed by will and action. Awaken to your destiny, by waking the road of redemption, restitution and salvation, as a citizen of eternity, resolving your limiting patterns and becoming your true essence self.
The following is offered as a meditative piece to drop into, which can balance these two perspectives:
I am the One, and I am all…
I am order and I am chaos ...
I am the light, and I am the dark…
I am full, and I am also empty…
I am service to self and service to others. …
I create universes, I destroy galaxies…
I manifest and obliterate, reabsorb and generate
I am the celestial voice ringing through all time and space …
I am the canvas, the paint and the painter,
The word, the page and the writer,
I am both angel and demon ...
I am the left and simultaneously the right,
I am you and me …
I am all things and the opposite of all things…
I am the smallest and simultaneously, the largest…
I am the beginning, and I am the end, and all things in between…
I am all players, the play, and the stage…
I am the simultaneity in all things ...
As alway, thought provoking!